Playstation 3
Playstation 3

We all know that major corporations at times are really hard to deal with being your average common man. That, when you try to take on a company of big size to get something fixed, or just a comment on something, is a task that seems a bit like climbing Mount Everest. This is something a guy named Adrian found out later when his Playstation 3 needed service.

So what was the problem you ask?

Well, Adrian got his Playstation 3 as a Christmas gift, and for this reason, he never got a receipt to go with it. So when he called Sony to have his Playstation 3 serviced, they of course asked for his receipt, where he told them he had none as he got it for Christmas and the ones that bought it for him had lost their receipt. But there was a way to prove that his unit was still under warranty, as the sticker on the back that tells when the unit was manufactured clearly said that it was made “July 2007”.

This was not proof good enough for Sony, who still refused to accept the unit for repairs. Adrian was at a loss for what to do next, so he of course resorted to what many people do in this time and age; the internet. He was instructed to have the people that bought the unit get their credit card company to deal with the matter, as they have much more weight in dealing with such matters.

Fair enough, but I find it hugely disturbing that companies fail to see the logic in such cases. When the customer can prove without a shadow of a doubt that a unit is still under warranty, the company should accept that proof. Yes, I know the rules are there for a reason, but for goodness sake use your head and common sense!

Sony, I sincerely hope that you get this issue sorted you big brute!

By Jostein Elvaker Haande

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular" - Adlai Stevenson

2 thoughts on “Sony denies repair of a Playstation 3”
  1. Much of the same thing happened to me… I bought my playstation Christmas EVE at blockbuster and 5 months later Im getting overheating issues.. I cant find the receipt but within five months the machine should work still. Sony told me that if I wanted it fixed I would have to pay them an extra $150 and I would only get a 90 day warranty.. I could almost understand it if they gave a year warranty on it as I will accept the blame for not having the receipt and in turn I would be paying for a ‘exended service agreement’

    and I even asked gamestop and other video game stores if I could get a extended service agreement and just plain throw $ at them and they sayd no

    They should make a product that works :(

  2. Last August I sent my son’s Plystation 3 for a warranty repair since I bought it last December as a Christmas present with all the paperwork they require, as proof of purchase and a form that they send for you to fill along with a box with the freight prepaid. So far everything was peaches and cream. I received the box back in about 7 working days and we all were excited to play the console again, cause I play with my son some games. For our surprise we received the equipment back with the top cover loose the factory seal missing or removed. along with it there was a repair form saying that the factory seal was tampered or broken and that’s a big lie. Neither me or my son, he is 11 years old messed up with the equipment since I learned that lesson a few years back with a Playstation 2. My son is very upset with this situation and I’m pissed off because before sending it I cleaned the equipment,(in case it had too much dust because that’s another Sony’s excuse for not servicing the equipment under warranty it happened to my neighbor) and my son and me packaged the equippment very carefully. The warranty seal was there and the top cover was not loose. I contacted a local store named Play and Trade in case they were able to do something and the guy behind the counter told me that I was the fourth or fifth person that came with the same problem, isn’t it make you think ? Is this a strategy that Sony is doing or is there something fishy going on with the repair center. My unit is the most expensive 80gb and I will escalate to the goverment if neccesary beause I feel like if I have been robbed

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